Star Wars Party

I think most little boys eventually are bitten by the Star Wars bug.  My Evan was no exception.  My sweet friend had a party and ended up having an extra outfit.  She generously gave it to my son for Halloween and then the party grew from that.

I watched a YouTube video on Mirror Galaxy cakes and decided it would "The ONE."  Although he needed some Star Wars on it.  I found these edible prints on Amazon.  Someday I will be better at figuring out links buttons or something, but this is the link I found:

Little tip on Mirror Cakes.  They really are shiny and super reflective, but when I did it the day before it did not stay as shiny as it started out as.   For all that work it was disappointing, so maybe look into how to keep it that reflective.

Also stacking them...Oh man.  That was intense.  Even with two you can see it was not lined up perfectly and there is NO chance for moving it once set down. PERIOD.  The icing sticks to everything, so when you go to move it use the smallest surfaces possible to lift with or it could peel back from the whole cake.  All in all though, it was very cool and I was happy with how it turned out.

My husband and I were concerned that anyone coming in costume, which was encouraged, would also show up with their hard plastic weapons...not maybe conducive to indoor play with so many children.  We were prepared with play friendly ones for everyone, so we posted this sign on the dor to encourage them to be left with their parents.


I have learned that kids do not eat much at these gatherings.  We plan so many activities there really is not time.  So I have cut back a LOT on what I prepare.  This is wallet friendly which makes my hubby happy and also easier for me, so win win.

Wine for the grown ups...

I love all of the fun plastic table clothes they have online, the pretty matchy ones, but I like to use cheap white table clothes and then purchase a bit of fabric to lay over it.  Its always a little better looking, and I can make a little catch all bag for traveling in the car, or save it for their future T-shirt quilt.

Gotta have extra costumes!

I find that having a spot for them to open gifts helps facilitate watching their face.  Otherwise they dissapear behind a wall of kids or end up with their backs to you and you miss the action.

We played several games.  We  made our own BB-8s, had a photo op with a storm trooper, played pin the light saber on Yoda, rescued princess Leia (Spin on capture the flag.), gathered asteroids (the team with the most wins.), and destroyed Darth Vader!

It was out of this world!


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